Tab with AITH Logo and Slogan
    Providing Solutions for all your IT needs and problems 



Customers using our atmsAITH provides services that help web developers, designers, and engineers to build better Web sites. We host all of our services and deliver them completely through the Internet.

The following services are offered by AITH to its wide range of local and International clients:

  • Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and PC Maintenance
  • Internet connection 
  • Internet Cafes - Internet Cafe Locator
  • Computer Training and Development
  • Network installation, maintenance and management
  • Web hosting
  • Web site design

AITH provides Internet connection to it customers in Sierra Leone via Sierra Tel which provides the main backbone and overhead resources for direct access to the World wide web.

For more information about our services, you can send us an e-mail, call us by phone, or submit a request online, and a customer services representative will contact you.